Iurie Chetrusca, a beloved father of four, has tragically passed away in an accident while working as a truck driver. His sudden passing has left a profound void in the hearts of his family and the community. Iurie was known for his tireless work to support his children, always placing their well-being and future at the forefront of his efforts. His kind and selfless nature was evident in everything he did, making this loss even more heartbreaking for those who knew him.
A fundraiser organized by Irina Brinza has been set up to help Iurie’s family during this difficult time. The campaign has raised $1,280 of its $100,000 goal so far, with donations from supporters such as Diana Tipa ($1,000), Vadim Stavila ($100), Olha Lyays ($100), and Dimitriu Cristina ($30). The funds will go toward covering funeral expenses and providing essential support for Iurie’s children as they adjust to life without their father.
On Facebook, Irina Brinza shared a moving post expressing deep sorrow for the loss: "Cuvintele sunt neputincioase în fața unei pierderi atât de mari. Gândurile noastre sunt alături de familia Chetrusca în aceste momente de tristețe profundă. Amintirile despre Iurie vor rămâne vii, iar toate lucrurile frumoase pe care le-a făcut vor dăinui în sufletele noastre."
We are deeply saddened by Iurie’s passing, and our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this challenging time.
Short Summary of Iurie Chetrusca
Aspect | Details |
Name | Iurie Chetrusca |
Date of Passing | Recently |
Fundraiser Created By | Irina Brinza |
Goal Amount | $100,000 |
Amount Raised | $1,280 |
Location | Not specified |
Purpose | Funeral expenses and living support for family |
Note:This post was written and edited by Jayden Green, based on their expertise and research. It is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. We welcome your feedback and questions on this content. Please feel free to contact us.