Lainie Mangome, a cherished resident of New York, has passed away, leaving her family, friends, and community in mourning. Lainie was a beloved mother of two, a daughter, a sister, and a friend to many. Her passing has left a significant void in the lives of those who knew her.
Lainie’s daughter, Raylyn Ocasio, has organized a GoFundMe fundraiser to help cover the funeral expenses and provide the kind of farewell that truly reflects the vibrant spirit Lainie brought into the lives of those around her. The fundraiser has set a goal of $6,000, and Raylyn has expressed her deep appreciation for any contributions, no matter the amount.
The news of Lainie’s passing has prompted an outpouring of support and condolences on social media. Ced Justice, one of Lainie’s friends, expressed his disbelief, writing, "Omg I can’t believe that Lainie Mangome has passed away. I’m in total disbelief. My condolences go out to her family."
Elizabeth Batista, another friend, shared her sorrow with a simple, "Wow! RIP Lainie!" while Francisco Diaz added, "OMG may she R.I.P. Thanks for sharing." The sentiments continued with Jaynice Despian’s heartfelt, "Wow, RIP mama," and Fast Mula, who shared, "SIP Lainie Mangome."
The messages reflect the deep affection and respect Lainie garnered throughout her life. Bella J Vasquez poignantly noted, "I knew this family since I was a baby. Now brother and sister are gone, it hurts." This message highlights the profound sense of loss felt by those who have known Lainie and her family for many years.
We extend our deepest condolences to Lainie Mangome’s family during this incredibly difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with them as they navigate this profound loss.
Short Summary of Lainie Mangome
Aspect | Details |
Name | Lainie Mangome |
Date of Passing | August 7th, 2024 |
Fundraiser Created By | Raylyn Ocasio |
Goal Amount | $6,000 |
Amount Raised | Not yet started |
Location | New York |
Purpose | Funeral expenses |
Note:This post was written and edited by Ava Williams, based on their expertise and research. It is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. We welcome your feedback and questions on this content. Please feel free to contact us.