Ralph Serrette, known fondly as "The Great One," has passed away, leaving a profound void in the Stevensville, MT community. Ralph, a long-time advocate for youth sports and soccer, passed away on the morning of September 4th, 2024, due to health complications.
For over three decades, Ralph was a guiding force in the development of the local youth soccer program, tirelessly dedicating himself to nurturing the sport throughout the state of Montana. He organized countless tournaments, trips, and fundraisers, leaving an indelible mark on all who knew him. Known for his kindness, loyalty, and unwavering commitment to inclusivity, Ralph’s positive influence extended far and wide, touching the lives of everyone he encountered.
In response to his passing, Shae Flynn has launched the "Ralph Serrette Memorial Fund" with a goal of raising $25,000. The fund will be used to cover the costs of his memorial service and further the community initiatives Ralph was passionate about, particularly expanding local soccer programs. Despite the significant impact Ralph had on the community, the fundraiser is still awaiting its first supporter.
Ralph Serrette’s legacy of service and dedication will not be forgotten, and his spirit will live on through the continued efforts to grow the sport he loved.
Our deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of Ralph Serrette. May his memory be a blessing, and may his loved ones find peace in the outpouring of love and support from the community.
Short Summary of Ralph Serrette
Aspect | Details |
Name | Ralph Serrette |
Date of Passing | September 4, 2024 |
Fundraiser Created By | Shae Flynn |
Goal Amount | $25,000 |
Amount Raised | No donations yet |
Location | Stevensville, MT |
Purpose | Memorial service and supporting community soccer programs |
Note:This post was written and edited by Ryan King, based on their expertise and research. It is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. We welcome your feedback and questions on this content. Please feel free to contact us.